
Looking for tap classes for all ages? Join our recreational tap program at Dimensions in Dance! Our tap classes run from September to June and are open to students aged six to adult. With a focus on proper technique in a group setting, our hour-long classes are designed to help you develop your sense of rhythm and musicality through tap dance.

Attire for tap classes should be comfortable and easy to move in. We also recommend tying your hair back for convenience and safety during classes. Tap shoes are required for all tap classes to ensure proper sound and technique.

As part of our recreational tap program, students have the opportunity to participate in our annual Christmas Show and Year-End Performance, where they can showcase their tap skills and talents to an audience of family and friends.

Don’t miss out on the joy and artistry of tap dance! Join Dimensions in Dance and experience the thrill of tapping to the rhythm of the music. Register now for our recreational tap classes and start your tap dance journey with us!